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Report an Absence

When your student will be absent, notify the school as early as possible using one of the numbers below.Call the Attendance Line: 513-777-2258 before 8 a.m.You may leave a message on the attendance line between the hours of 3:30 p.m.-6:45 a.m. During the business hours of 6:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m., you will be directed to a member of the office staff.

Doctor notes can be given to the attendance office or to the student’s 1st period teacher.

A note should be sent if a child will be leaving early from school. This should be given to the attendance office when the child arrives at school on that day. A parent or guardian must come to the attendance office to present a picture ID and to sign out the student. The secretary will then send for the student.

Automated Attendance Calls

We use Lakota's notification system to alert you of a child’s unexcused absence from school. This automated system helps expedite our daily process for absence notifications and uses the same parent/guardian phone number and email address provided through Home Access Center. 

If your child is absent or going to be tardy from school for any reason, you must notify the school by 8 a.m.  If your child is marked absent and you have not reported the absence by this time, you will receive a call and email between 8:15 and 8:45 a.m. To respond to the automated call, you will need to call the main office. Failure to report the reason will result in an unexcused absence. 

Attendance Procedures

  • If the school has been notified of an absence, it is not necessary to present a note to the office. If a parent/guardian has not notified the school of an absence, the student must present, upon their return, a note stating: date(s) of the absence, reason for the absence, signature of parent/guardian and telephone number.
  • Phone calls will be made to parents when unexcused absences become excessive.
  • After ten (10) absences, a letter may be sent home to document and inform the parents/guardians regarding the number of absences.
  • After twelve (12) absences, the school will require medical documentation from a physician to excuse further absences.
  • A student who arrives to school after the start of the student day must report to the office for an admission slip.
  • The Butler County Attendance Officer will work directly with the schools in implementing the attendance policies of the district.

Tardy Procedures

  • Any missed portion of the school day up to four and a half hours is considered a tardy. Any missed time above 4 and a half hours is considered a full day absent.