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Welcome to Hopewell Junior School!

Thunderhawk pride can be found throughout our classrooms and hallways, as students find their voice, their passion and their niche.

Color Run Participants Group Picture

Hopewell Junior Color Run 2023


Hopewell Junior art students %22Light up Lakota%22 with their drawing projects.

Hopewell Junior art students "Light up Lakota" with their drawing projects.

Student Council Field of Flags Service Project Honoring Disabled American Veterans.

Student Council Field of Flags Service Project Honoring Disabled American Veterans.

The HJS 7th grade band performing at the February 2024 concert.

7th grade band members performing at their February 2024 concert.

Putting the Fun in Fund Raising

We Dare You To Have This Much Fun!

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Everything WE do is designed to provide a future-ready, student-centered learning experience for every single child.

We are


We are

Future Ready

We are

Fiscally Responsible

We are

In this Together

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Points of



Culturally Diverse:

With 42% of students celebrating their multicultural backgrounds, Lakota provides a culturally-diverse experience where respect and inclusion are taught as core values.

Fiscally Responsible:

Fewer than 5% of all entities that are audited annually earn the "Auditor of State Award with Distinction" - and Lakota has received the honor 10 years in a row. 

1:1 Technology:

Through Lakota's WE are Empowered initiative, all students in grades K-12 have access to their own Chromebook for daily learning.

Dogs of Lakota:

Lakota's pack of ten therapy dogs are wagging their tails around the district, providing therapy and emotional support to even our youngest learners. 

The 4Es:

We believe in preparing every student for success after graduation in one of the 4Es: Enrollment in higher education; Enlistment in military service; Employment as a contributing member of our community; or Entrepreneurship.